Saturday, February 22, 2020

2 Months in to 2020 - Time to State Some Goals

I'm typically pretty good about having defined goals going into a golfing year.  If they're not posted somewhere on a forum... I've got them either listed on a spreadsheet or stored in the back of my mind.

This year... since I want to update the blog more frequently, I figure I'll make a post about my goals.  What I want to accomplish as far as scoring... improvement... mental game... etc.  Those will all be items I post about down below.  I will also list a tournament-by-tournament breakdown for the events that I'm committed to playing.  Of course... those events could change dependent upon weather, personal life, work life or any other thing that could cause me to change a goal.

1. Improve my short game and putting.

Truthfully... this is an ongoing goal of mine.  I am NOT a good putter.  I have never really had a feel for the proper technique and I struggle on the greens.  I feel like my green reading is okay (6 on a 1 - 10 scale)... but when it comes to execution, I push putts one day and pull them the next.  The only metric I can use to tell if I'm getting better is putts per round.  The stats say I'm improving but... I'm still not where I'd like to be.


The putting goal is to be below 33 putts per round.  I'm not off to a good start.  Through my first 6 rounds of 2020, I'm averaging 35.50 putts per round.  It's early in the season, so... there's time to improve.  What will help that, however, is improving my short game.

So... that leads me to the next part of the equation.  I've got to get the ball closer to the hole when I miss greens.  I'm a mid-handicap (13.8 index as of the time of this post).  That means I'm prone to missing greens.  That's fine... but I've got to become better at getting up & down when I'm around the greens.  For the purposes of statistics keeping, I define and up & down attempt as hitting the green in regulation plus a stroke.  So, if I'm on a par 4 green in 3 strokes (regardless of if I hit the green with a chip or a 200 yard shot)... my putt attempt is to get up & down.  The stats show that I've improved year-over-year between 2016 and last year.  I've become more comfortable over short shots... I've had fewer flubbed chips... and overall, I've become better at figuring out how much the ball is going to release with different clubs.


In 2020, I'd like to get that percentage closer to 37% (ultimately closer to 40%).  That number should allow my scores to decrease and not put so much pressure on my putting because it would mean that I'm consistently getting the ball inside of 5 feet when around the greens.


  - Less than 33 Putts per Round

  - Greater than 37% Up & Down Percentage

2. Become more consistent off the tee.

As with the first goal listed... this is an ongoing goal for me.  I've struggled off the tee for what seems like forever.  Just when I think I've got a consistent pattern... I'll suddenly start shaping it the other way which leads to terrible thoughts standing on the tee box.  

Just like with my other metrics, there has been some improvement in my fairways hit percentages.  2017 was far-and-away the best year of my life off the tee.  Not only was I finding the fairway more often... I was also hitting the ball slightly further and losing fewer strokes to penalties off the tee than ever before. 

The following years saw a decline, but it was still better than where I was in 2015 and 2016.  For this year, I'd like to find a way to top the 46.64% I managed in 2017.  The problem is, I'm battling a wild hook right now.  Through 6 rounds... I'm at 42.86% even with the struggles I've had, so... there's hope.

I figure more fairways means better looks at greens... which would hopefully translate to more greens hit in regulation... which will certainly translate to better scoring.


  - Greater than 47% Fairways Hit Percentage

3. Get my handicap index back down to a more 'B Flight' type of level.

Since July of 2018, I've been as low as a 9.5 index and as high as a 14.5 index.  On the Golfweek Amateur Tour, the B Flight handicap allowance is 9.0 - 13.9 to be considered a B Flight player.  My current USGA index is 13.8 while my GWAT index is 13.1 and trending upward.  

There is nothing more frustrating than going to a tournament knowing that I'm not playing well enough to compete.  Essentially, every tournament after February of last year... I've gone in hoping to just play well enough to not embarrass myself.  In 3 of my final 4 tournaments (not including the National Championship)... I finished dead last twice and next to last once.  It was awful going to events joking about trying not to finish last.

To truly compete in the B Flight... I need to be shooting scores below 85 in events.  To win an event... I would need to see some putts drop and post something closer to 80.  So far this season, through 6 rounds, I have only had 1 truly bad round.  It was my opening round of the year and I had no expectations.  Since then... I've posted 86, 92, 89, 90 and 89.  I can say that in each of those rounds... I wasn't really on, so I've got some hope that my game is near the point where I want it to be.

I'm going to need to tighten up my driver and work on what I've posted above, but... I feel like I'm very, very close to competing again.  


  - Get USGA and GWAT index lower than 11.

4. Win another tournament event in 2020.

I'm currently sitting at 4 wins in my GWAT 'career' so far.  I won 3 in C Flight before being moved up to B Flight... then it took me over a year, but I was finally able to win a B Flight event late in 2018.

With the schedule I'm looking at for 2020... I'm hopeful that I'll be able to find another win at some point this year.  No metrics... no excuses... I just want a win.


  - Win a 2020 Golfweek Amateur Tour Event.

5. Place in top half of each event entered in 2020.

This one is fairly simple.  I embarrassed myself last season by finishing in the bottom third of 4 out of the 10 regular season events I played in 2019.  I want to be in the top half in every event of 2020 and I'd like to post at least 5 finishes in the top ten.


  - Finish in the top half of every event entered in 2020.

  - Post 5 top ten finishes in 2020.


With those 5 goals posted... I'll come back and revisit them at the end of the year following the National Championship.  Below, I'm going to post my tentative tournament schedule for 2020 along with the scoring goals for each event.  I'll have 2 numbers posted for my goals.  The first number will be my goal as of the posting of this entry.  The second number will be my goal within a few days of the event (based upon how I'm playing, expected conditions, etc).
Event DateCourseGoalScoreFinal Position
2/15/2020Edgewater Golf Club85 / 879014th of 27
2/29/2020Atlantic Dunes Golf Club83 / 85
3/9/2020Ballantyne Country Club87
3/14/2020Cowan's Ford Country Club84
3/30/2020River Run Country Club86
4/13/2020Pine Island Country Club85
4/25/2020Monroe Country Club85
4/26/2020Monroe Country Club82
5/16/2020Cabarrus Country Club83
5/26/2020The Peninsula Club88
6/6/2020Country Club of Salisbury84
6/20/2020Mooresville Golf Club89
7/6/2020Firethorne Country Club88
7/18/2020Lancaster Country Club87
8/1/2020River Hills Country Club89
8/15/2020Warrior Golf Club86
9/12/2020The Club at Irish Creek82
9/13/2020Northstone Country Club83

As each event finishes... I will come back to edit this entry with my actual score and my final position.

... 'til next time!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Golfweek Amateur Tour (Charlotte) - 2020 Season - Edgewater Golf Club (Lancaster, SC)

Last year was not a good golf year.  From not being able to play very often to playing extremely poorly and finding no rhythm throughout the year whenever I DID play... it was just awful.  That's going to change in 2020. 

I'm setting some pretty strong goals (which I'll detail in another post).  The primary goal, however, is just to get back to being competitive.  Too many poor finishes with no a single 'money' finish in 2019.  It was ugly.  So... I came in to 2020 with my focus being on playing better golf... finding some way to finish in the money from time-to-time... and playing more tournament golf.

Unfortunately... I missed both the opening major down in Hilton Head and the Charlotte opener at Carolina Lakes.  That meant that my first event of 2020 was going to be at Edgewater Golf Club.  It's one of my favorite public tracks... but it's so far away that I didn't get down there for a practice round.  Instead... I played elsewhere, focusing on trying to get my driver figured out.  For too long, I've been battling a quick hook off the tee with it.  Heading in to this round... I felt like I had figured something out so... I was feeling pretty good about my chances of at least not posting a triple digit final.

On to the round!

Hole 11 - Par 3 - 189 Yards

Things weren't exactly looking great with the weather leading up to this event, so... we were assured the tees would be moved up to accommodate for less roll and we'd be playing lift, clean & place throughout the course (with the exceptions of hazards and bunkers).  I kind of figured that the 'moving the tees up' wouldn't apply to the par 3 holes, and... being forced to start on a longer par 3... I got to see right away that I was correct.

Even with a front flag, we were playing from 178 yards with a fairly strong cross breeze hurting us a little.  I elected to hit a 5 iron, but for my first tournament swing of 2020... I turned it over a little too much and missed pin high left.  Not wanting to chunk it... I made a concerted effort to ensure the ball found the green... but I was too strong and it flew well beyond the pin.  Still on the green, but... 42 feet away. 

My par attempt was never high enough and I watched as it trickled 4 feet past the hole leaving a tester coming back for bogey.  I made the putt coming back and exhaled.  Not a great start but... not an explosion out of the gates either.

 ~ +1 Through 1 ~

Hole 12 - Par 4 - 352 Yards

Here we go... the first test of the round with the driver.  My focuses with that club in my hands were simply to keep my grip stress free (loose hands) and to keep my tempo smooth.  No need to go after the ball... just swing smoothly and let the ball fly.  It worked like a charm here.  I hit a tight draw that found the fairway.  As I picked up my tee... I felt like it was going to be a decent round.

My approach on this hole was around 97 yards.  Wanting to keep things as stress free as possible, I played my 50° wedge with a 75% swing instead of smashing my 54° wedge.  Again, I was pin high but left of the flag in the fringe.  My putt from off the green carried too much speed as it got to the top of the slope and then it ran away from me, finishing 9 feet away from the cup. 

My par attempt was slightly pushed and I had to settle for a tap-in bogey.

  ~ +2 Through 2 ~

Hole 13 - Par 5 - 506 Yards

I've always enjoyed this hole.  It's not a tough driving hole... and the landing area for the layup is favorable, so... I got to this tee knowing I wanted to make no worse than par.  My tee shot was hit okay, but definitely not smashed.  It landed very softly in the wet fairway and didn't go anywhere.  Still... it was in the fairway.  I was debating between hitting my 3 wood and trying to get as close to the green as possible, or hitting my 5 iron and trying to leave myself about 90 yards.  Ultimately, I elected to hit the 5 iron. 

I pushed it to the right, but as I said... it's a favorable landing area and I got a good kick off the slope on the right side.  Much to my dismay, when I arrived at my ball... I saw that it had trickled down into a 'bunker' on the right side of the fairway.  I put bunker in quotations like that because it was really more of a mud pit with some grass growing in it.  My ball was sitting on a very tight lie and I had 77 yards to the pin.  Again, I went with my 50° wedge and played more of a pitch shot out of there.  It was nearly perfect and the ball trickled just beyond the right edge of the hole leaving me a 2 foot tap-in for my first tournament birdie of 2020!

~ +1 Through 3 ~

Hole 14 - Par 4 - 384 Yards

A good tee shot here still went nowhere.  The fairway was very soggy, but... I was dead center and had a great look at the front-left pin.  The wind on this hole was right into our faces, so even though I had 150 yards to the flag... I knew I needed to club up.  I elected to hit my 7 iron (typically a 160 yard club) but... I should have hit my 6 iron.  I came up short of the green.

I was about 8 yards short of the green and about 50 feet from the pin.  I couldn't figure out whether to chip the ball or putt it, so when I elected to chip it... I had bad thoughts in my mind and I flubbed it.  At that point, I grabbed my putter and nearly holed it for par, but it banked off the pin and left me 3 feet for bogey, which I made.

~ +2 Through 4 ~

Hole 15 - Par 3 - 231 Yards

We were given a bit of a reprieve on this hole.  Instead of playing from 231 yards, we were moved up and it was closer to 210 yards with a strong wind into our faces again.  With the hole playing downhill... I figured on it playing right at about that yardage and hit my hybrid. 

Well... when I say hit it... I mean I lunged at it and pulled it left.  It nipped a tree branch and dropped down into the woods.  I hit a provisional which ended up 11 feet left of the pin, but I didn't need it.  We found my ball and I was able to hack it out, but I wasn't able to find the green.  I went a little long... hit another flub and then proceeded to three-putt from 33 feet (including missing a 3 footer for double) and I carded my first triple bogey of the tournament season.

~ +5 Through 5 ~

Hole 16 - Par 4 - 411 Yards

Being frustrated at the result of the previous hole and then coming to this tee and seeing that there was ZERO help with the tees and it was STILL playing into the wind... it made me more frustrated.  Instead of sticking with the 'smooth swing' approach... I tried to mash one here and my quick hook reappeared.  A stupid play that meant I needed to punch my next shot out of the woods and I was STILL a mile away. 

A full swing 3 wood fell out of the sky and left me about 70 yards from the hole.  I hit a solid 54° wedge to about 12 feet but I wasn't able to sink that.  I ended up carding a double to add 5 strokes to my score over the previous 2 holes.

~ +7 Through 6 ~

Hole 17 - Par 5 - 429 Yards

Okay... time to make up a stroke.  An easy, short hole here... even though it's uphill the entire way.  I went back to the smooth swing but... I was a little TOO smooth and didn't really hit it.  The ball failed to reach the fairway, but... it was still in play and it was still a short hole. 

I hit a 5 iron from the rough that didn't go far, but... it found the fairway, so I was happy with that.  At 130 yards, up the hill and in to the wind (even though we were playing the opposite direction from the previous holes that were also in to the wind)... I elected to play an extra club.  I hit a smooth, soft 8 iron that landed perfectly pin high and 15 feet to the left of the pin.  My birdie attempt dipped low at the last moment, so I settled for a par that I had hoped was going to calm me down some.

~ +7 Through 7 ~

Hole 18 - Par 4 - 409 Yards

We were moved up a little, but it was still nearly 380 yards into the wind... into a wet valley and then back up a steep slope.  I hit a very solid drive but it stayed right where I hit it instead of peeling back to the right as I'd hoped.  I found a fairway bunker and left myself 171 yards up the hill, into the wind. 

I tried to get 'cute' with the shot from there and hit a hybrid that I actually ended up scooping way short of the green.  My 58° wedge floated from there and landed on the fringe.  I putted from there but never had the line and the ball ran 6 feet past the hole.  As had been the case so far throughout the round... I wasn't able to make that (my 3rd miss of 9 feet or less) and carded a frustrating double bogey.

~ +9 Through 8 ~

Hole 1 - Par 4 - 346 Yards

After a bit of a break for the guy in my cart to buy more beers (they weren't helping, in case you were wondering)... we finally headed to the first tee.  Another good driver swing right where I aimed up the left side.  I was just off the fairway, but... in a good position.  Inside of 100 yards again, I elected to hit my 50° wedge at 75% again.  This time, I caught it a little heavy, but it was safe.  I had achieved my goal of not going over the green where a certain triple was waiting for me.

From off the front-left portion of the green, I putted to about 6 feet.  Yet again, I missed a putt that was easily one that could be made... and I took a bogey.

~ +10 Through 9 ~

Hole 2 - Par 5 - 509 Yards

Although I had been swinging the driver better... I was still going a little further left than I wanted.  I did the same thing on this hole.  A solid strike with a smooth swing... but the ball started up the left side and stayed there.  With the slope of the hole, the ball trickled across the cart path and into the woods.  I was left with no option but to try and punch the ball out in to the fairway and advance it as far as I could. 

This left me 189 yards up a hill for my approach.  I hit my hybrid solidly but I pushed it just slightly and the ball caught a tree branch about 30 yards short of the green and dropped down.  With a bunker between my ball and the pin... I hit a flop up over the bunker but ensured I hit it far enough that I wasn't going to come up short.

A two-putt from 16 feet (just missing the par attempt) gave me another bogey.

~ +11 Through 10 ~

Hole 3 - Par 4 - 386 Yards

This one was moved up to about 350 yards for us.  It was easily the wettest hole on the course, so... it made sense that it was moved up.  Another good strike with the driver, and I found the fairway... but the ball actually went backwards when it hit the ground, so... no distance.  I was left with 127 yards to the flag. 

The ground was very wet... which meant I really didn't want to dig down after the ball, so I should have hit an extra club.  The problem was that about 7 yards beyond the flag was a slope that would have kicked my ball in to the lake beyond the green, so I stuck with my 130 club... my 9 iron. 

I caught it okay, but I flared it about 3 yards right of my target and watched it catch the very top of the lip of the bunker.  Luckily, it hadn't plugged and I had a straight-forward bunker shot... but I was hitting directly at the lake with no room to miss long.  I hit a high, soft shot out of there that landed about 5 feet short of the hole and trickled out to about 8 feet. 

Another putt I could have made that missed just on the low side and another bogey.

~ +12 Through 11 ~

Hole 4 - Par 3 - 201 Yards

We never play the card yardage on this hole.  In fact, we were moved up to 168 yards on the day which, with the uphill slope, was a perfect 6 iron distance for me.  I hit easily my best shot of the day here.  It was a good, balanced, smooth swing.  The flight was high and straight and it was directly at the flag.  I never saw it come down, but I knew it was going to be good.

When we got to the green, my pitch mark was about 15 feet in front of where my ball was sitting, which was only 3'9" from the hole.  I wrote my name on the closest-to-the-pin placard... then waited about 7 minutes before it was my turn to putt.  I looked at the putt from every conceivable angle.  The putt absolutely had to break to the left... down the slope, towards the lake.  It was only a small amount of turn, but... everything from the surrounding terrain, the grain and the clearly visible angle of the cup indicated it was going left.

Well... it didn't.  The putt stayed dead straight and despite 1/4 of the ball being over the edge of the cup and the speed being perfect... the ball stayed out.  That hurt... a lot. 

I won $79 for the CTP on the hole... but I left another $190 between a skin and super skin on the table.  Frustrating, to be sure.

~ +12 Through 12 ~

Hole 5 - Par 4 - 436 Yards

I was very happy to see that the tees had been moved up on this hole.  It only played about 390 yards, which was nice.  My tee shot was struck well, but a little left of the fairway.  I was left with about 148 yards to the hole which sat on the front-right corner of the green. 

I elected to hit an 8 iron and made probably my worst iron swing of the day.  It was weak, right and ugly.  I pitched on from a not-so-great lie near the woods... the nearly holed a 30 footer for par, but the ball ran out of steam and again missed by less than an inch.  Tap in for bogey... which could have been the title of this entire post.

~ +13 Through 13 ~

Hole 6 - Par 5 - 550 Yards

I believe I've said this about EVERY tournament round I've played at this course... but this is among my least favorite holes that we play from year to year.  There's just nowhere to aim off the tee.  You NEED to hit a good drive otherwise you're all but dead.  Luckily, I managed to hit a decent shot that found the fairway and plugged. 

Trying to bite off more of the hole... I brought my 3 wood with me and chose that over my 5 iron.  I wanted to hit it over the bunker on the left corner of the dogleg and leave a short iron in.  Instead... I absolutely topped the ball.  It rolled out between 80 - 100 yards and left me miles in.  Another 3 wood, this one smoked, ran up just shy of the green and left me an awkward pitch.

My pitch from the rough grabbed immediately on the green and left me 11 feet for my par, but... you guessed it... I tapped in for bogey.

~ +14 Through 14 ~

Hole 7 - Par 4 - 374 Yards

On most days... this is not a driver hole.  It's not overly long, it plays downhill... and there is trouble left (a pond) and right (another hazard).  With the wind and the wet ground... I decided to still hit the driver and hope for the best.  It was a perfect tee shot... low enough to not get knocked down by the wind and straight down the middle... it just went a little too long and ran through the fairway. 

I was left with 124 yards to the hole with some wind in my face, so I chose my 9 iron... and then I slowed my swing at the last moment resulting in a shot that found the green but was nowhere near the hole. 

I had a 39 footer with a big break from left to right.  If I had hit it with even the tiniest bit more pace... I'd have made it, but... instead, it came up half a roll short.  This time... instead of tapping in for bogey, I had a tap in for par.

~ +14 Through 15 ~

Hole 8 - Par 3 - 155 Yards

This one was somewhat down wind.  The pin was around 147 yards... and the bunker in front of the green could be cleared with a shot of 130 yards.  An 8 iron was going to be too much... and I was afraid of doing something stupid if I didn't take a full swing... so I elected to drop down a club to a 9 iron. 

From the tee... it appeared to be perfect.  The ball was just left of the flag when it came down, and it looked like it was going to be about 10 feet from the hole.  When we got up to the green, however... there was no ball.  I knew it wasn't in the hole because I could see the cup from the tee, so... I started to think maybe my vision wasn't so great and the ball was in the bunker.  Nope... not there either.  I then saw it nestled in the rough between the bunker and green.  Damn!

My chip from there settled to about 6 feet and I missed ANOTHER putt that could have gone in.  Tap in for bogey.

~ +15 Through 16 ~

Hole 9 - Par 4 - 291 Yards

Wide open fairway.  2 holes to go.  No shot at the money.  I just wanted a good finish.  I had a few buddies in the tournament and I wanted to beat them.  I hit my most solid drive of the day.  It jumped off the face and settled in the middle of the fairway leaving me just 67 yards to the flag.  It didn't go overly far, but with the uphill hole, the wind and the wet fairway... I was perfectly fine with it. 

I then made a mistake in thinking I had grabbed my 58° wedge when I had actually grabbed my 54° wedge.  I didn't realize it until after I had tugged it a little left and I watched the ball kick off the back of the green, down the slope on to the incorrect tier. 

Instead of having a good look for birdie... I was left with a double-breaking 42 footer up a steep slope.  I left that 5 feet short... and then you know the rest.  Bogey on a hole I was licking my chops in the fairway thinking I was carding a birdie on.

~ +16 Through 17 ~

Hole 10 - Par 4 - 412 Yards

Remember earlier in the round when I said that my miss when I swing too hard with my driver is a hook.  I got greedy and foolishly tried to murder the ball off this tee.  I hit it probably 140 yards with a quick hook into a hazard.  Luckily, the ball sat up in the hazard just short of actually rolling in to the creek so I was able to play it.  I didn't have the greatest stance and made an 'all arms' swing... but I advanced the ball into the right rough and left about 120 yards to the flag.

A 9 iron from there was a little left of the green and the ball settled on the fringe.  As had been the case all day... I just had no touch and left the putt from the fringe about 12 feet short... two putted from there and closed out my day with a double bogey.

~ +18 Through 18 ~


27 players in the B Flight field for this event and I finished alone, dead-center of the pack... 5 strokes out of the money and 8 strokes behind the winner. 

A lot of putts that could have (some that should have) gone down (6' - 8' - 4' - 6' - 5' - 9' - 3' - 6') made the difference for me today.  I just never felt comfortable over the ball on the greens.  I finished 0/8 in up & down opportunities and that's just not good enough. 

Rounds like this are never going to win the event... but I could have been in the money and I absolutely SHOULD have walked away with more cash than I did. 

Still... it's a not-so-bad start to the tournament year for me.  There was a lot of good to build on, so... that's the goal moving in to the next few events.  Build on the positive... work on the things that are holding me back... and hopefully, get back to competing at the level which I was playing at towards the end of the 2018 tournament season.

Lessons Learned

1. My 90% driver swing is going to stay in play and still go PLENTY far enough to leave me 6 iron or less on most holes.  I've been worried about hitting the ball far, but... when I hit 35% of my tee shots in trouble, the 2 or 3 tee shots a round that get out there past my other playing competitors aren't making a difference.  I've got to keep the tempo as my focus with the driver in my hands.

2. Ironically, I posted the same thing last year after my first tournament of 2019 but... I HAVE TO WORK ON MY PUTTING!  It's killing me to give away 4-6 strokes a round.  I need to get closer to averaging 30 - 32 putts instead of the 34 - 37 putts I've been averaging for way too long.

3. My short game is starting to resemble the old short game I had.  I spent a large portion of last year struggling with the shots inside 90 yards.  By going up a club and not swinging as hard... I believe I'm going to be finding more birdie opportunities in 2020 that I ever have before.

The next Charlotte event is on March 9th.  Luckily, I believe I'm going to go down and play in the Hilton Head tour event at Atlantic Dunes on February 29th.  It'll be a much smaller field, but... it's a gorgeous course and one I'm looking forward to if it all works out with the weather.

'til the next one...